Peter H Brown Clinical Psychologist

Psychology News & Resources

About Peter

Peter Brown BHMS (Hons) MPsychClin MAPS

I’m a Clinical Psychologist and have a private practice and consultancy in Brisbane Australia. I have 24 years experience in child, adult and family clinical psychology. I have a wonderful wife and three kids.

I am co-founder of Christian Wholeness Counselling Services.

I like researching issues of the brain & mind, reading and seeking out new books and resources for myself and my clients. I thought that others might be interested in some of what I have found also, hence this blog…

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  1. Hi Peter,

    You blogs looks interesting. Thank you for the response email. We should have some interesting things to share as time goes on.

    Thank you!


    Comment by Andrew Lehman | July 16, 2009 | Reply

  2. Thanks Andrew


    Comment by peterhbrown | July 18, 2009 | Reply

  3. Peter, I we mutually follow on Twitter. Great to connect with your great website and recommendations. I am often looking for great books for both myself and my clients. I’ll be coming here often.

    Comment by Steve | July 24, 2009 | Reply

    • Fantastic Steve! I have checked out your site and love it! Thanks for connecting! Lets chat some more. Will add your site to my blogroll also

      Comment by peterhbrown | July 24, 2009 | Reply

  4. A fascinating site Peter,will be visiting often!
    Although I run a perfume business from home ,
    I also am a psychiatric nurse in Scotland
    and a Mum of a 12 year old boy and 10 year old girl
    so I need all the psychology help with these two that I can get!!!!!


    Comment by Christine Jeffrey | August 18, 2009 | Reply

    • Thanks Christine, I hope you continue to get some helpful and interesting info from here, and thanks for the feedback!

      Comment by peterhbrown | August 19, 2009 | Reply

  5. Your blog look interesting and has a lot of good information. Thanks for calling it to my attention.

    Comment by EquiisSavant | August 18, 2009 | Reply

    • Thanks for the feedback! Enjoy!

      Comment by peterhbrown | August 19, 2009 | Reply

  6. Thanks for DM on Twitter and for blog link. Looks great.

    Judy C.

    Comment by Judy Cnverse MPH RD LD | November 25, 2009 | Reply

  7. Dr Brown, saw you are on a list I follow on twitter. Am a psychologist, just getting up and running on twitter. Photo posted soon. Could we mutually follow on Twitter my Twitter name drcmblake. Fantastic site by the way.

    Comment by Dr Christine blake | December 28, 2009 | Reply

    • Hi Christine. I am now following you on Twitter Would love to chat more. Thanks for the kind comments!


      Comment by peterhbrown | February 26, 2010 | Reply

  8. I found you on Twitter when doing a search of Borderline Personality Disorder. This past week I started intensive CBT several hours from my home after years of desperatly wanting to get better. I knew I had never been diagnosed properly, being told I had clinical depression, OCD, ADD, Dermatillmania, Body Dysmorpia Syndrome and Avoident Personality Disorder. I had seen several psychologists, even being told I was just untreatable. I had been put on 30+ medications overtime with either terrible side affects or no relief. I have found a therepist in Tampa who for the first time in 27 years, actually cares. Though I’m hurting more then I could ever explain, just knowing he cares and wants to help has meant the world. Once I read about BPD, as well as others personal stories, my entire life finally made sense. I don’t know where I go from here. For so long I dreamed of just knowing what was wrong with me and now that I do, I don’t know if I should feel relieved or hopeless. I just want the pain in my heart to subside and I hope that in time I’ll come to believe I have a chance at a future again.


    Comment by Sadielady | January 24, 2010 | Reply

  9. Hi Peter, You have a fascinating blog ! I have added you to my blogroll. Cheers, from Cairns.

    Comment by colleenincairns | March 27, 2010 | Reply

    • Thanks very much Colleen! I’ll visit your blog ASAP to check out your posts! ( PS I love Cairns!)

      Comment by peterhbrown | March 27, 2010 | Reply

      • Hi Peter,

        What do you think of the 7 second delay?

        Here is an extract….The researchers from the group of Professor John-Dylan Haynes used a brain scanner to investigate what happens in the human brain just before a decision is made. “Many processes in the brain occur automatically and without involvement of our consciousness. This prevents our mind from being overloaded by simple routine tasks. But when it comes to decisions we tend to assume they are made by our conscious mind. This is questioned by our current findings.” (Nature Neuroscience, April 13th 2008)

        I am very curious as to understanding where thoughts arise and at what distance based on a 7 second delay? Why 7 seconds? Is there any distance at all? Or are thoughts nothing but a chemical reaction in our brains?

        Dr. Peter Brown, I understand you are the author of The Hypnotic Brain? Are there any new findings since you wrote the book?

        Thank you and hope to hear from you. Do you have another url or is the one?

        Comment by Avatar Russ | March 27, 2010

      • Hi Ross, unfortunately, I’m not the gentleman you think I am. I’ve been blessed with a very common name, and a quick Google search of Dr Peter Browns confirms my fear that there are many, many of “us”. I’ll try and track down some information about the author of “The Hypnotic Brain” for you!

        All the best!

        Comment by peterhbrown | March 27, 2010

  10. Hi very interesting blog. Thank you for sharing. One thing I don’t see here is the psycology of women who withdraw from normal daily life due to a condtion which is cureable yet women don’t do anything to help themselves due to the stigma around Incontinence. Incontinence is not life threatening but can have a huge impact of their life as well as loved ones. It can lead to depression. I would be interested in working with you on any research you have as this is my area.
    Kind regards


    Comment by incostress | March 30, 2010 | Reply

  11. Hi, could you take a look at Picto Selector and write about it if you find it usefull for your readers?

    Comment by Martijn vander Kooij | July 2, 2010 | Reply

  12. Peter,

    I saw that you had posted my interview on GMA discussing OCD and my involvement with Obsessed and I wanted to thank you. My goal is to reach out to the millions of people who are struggling with OCD and teach them that there is hope for a life not controlled by anxiety.

    Comment by Jenifer Garrido | July 18, 2010 | Reply

  13. Saw you had linked to a posting of mind (And speaking of OCD…) and wanted you to know you missed the main one on OCD:

    Nice to see that we share a common hometown (born in Brisbane 1950).

    Comment by cyndygreen | October 15, 2010 | Reply

    • Thanks for that Cyndy. I’ll be sure to check it out and add the link.

      Comment by peterhbrown | October 15, 2010 | Reply

  14. […] Peter Brown is a clinical psychologist in my hometown, Brisbane, Australia. […]

    Pingback by Story ideas (from Oz) 10.24.10 « VideoJournalism | October 25, 2010 | Reply

  15. […] Peter Brown is a clinical psychologist in my hometown, Brisbane, Australia. […]

    Pingback by Story ideas (from Oz) 10.24.10 | | October 25, 2010 | Reply

  16. Dear Peter,

    I have a DBT Programme Manager/Clinical Director vacancy to fill in a beautiful part of NZ near Abel Tasman National Park. Is this something you, or one of your colleagues, may possibly be interested in?

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,

    Larry Beck

    Comment by Larry Beck | November 10, 2010 | Reply

  17. Hi Peter,
    I read your article on household hoarding and it really struck a cord in relation to an issue that Im going through with my family right now. I really would appreciate discussing further with you as I believe you have an excellent understanding of this illness and could help me help the people in my life that are suffering from this.
    I would appreciate your advice and support.



    Comment by Pauline | December 29, 2010 | Reply

  18. Hi Peter

    I’m a PhD student at Loughborough University in the UK. I found your name on the list of people who follow 23andme on Twitter, and followed a link in your profile to your blog. I was wondering if you’d be willing to fill in a survey for my PhD research, it’s for people who have either bought a genetic test from a company like 23andme, or are thinking of doing so.

    There’s more information and a link to it at , it should only take about 10 minutes and would be really great if you could! If you have any questions then please email me at
    Corin Egglestone

    Comment by Corin Egglestone | May 6, 2011 | Reply

  19. Hello Peter,

    I found a logo that I love that is attributed to you. It is a black background with I LOVE MYSELF on it along with other words sporadically placed. I would like your permission to use that on our site We are nonprofit organization that empowers youth to be part of the solution to bullying. U.G.L.Y. is an acronym for: Unique Gifted Lovable You. One of our initiatives is to teach youth how to turn negatives into positives like we did w/UGLY.

    I’m impressed with your work. Bravo.

    Comment by Betty Hoeffner | June 1, 2011 | Reply

    • That is absolutely fine Betty. Go ahead and thanks!

      Comment by peterhbrown | June 22, 2011 | Reply

  20. Hi Peter
    Thanks for the tweet mentioning the Scoop article for the new bipolar App. I developed this out of necessity as there didn’t seem to be anything out there that filled this need. Advice was obtained from mental health experts in NZ during its development.

    Would you like a voucher for a free download of the Bipolar Mood Monitor app from iTunes? It is compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch. It would be interesting to get your opinion.
    I can email the details for the download if you’re interested.


    Comment by Jonathan | August 7, 2011 | Reply

    • You’re very welcome Jonothan! I would really appreciate a voucher, thank you!

      Comment by peterhbrown | August 15, 2011 | Reply

      • That’s great, Peter. I will need to supply a voucher number for iTunes for you, but am a little worried at posting it on this forum. It can only be used once, so you may get beaten to it. Not sure how to get around this. Any suggestions?

        Comment by Jonathan | August 16, 2011

  21. Hello Peter,

    I am John Richard from Australia. I got your reference from the Internet. I need your help / assistance for the following painful experiences that I am facing. I request you to give a careful reading to them.

    1) Recently, I joined an International Call Center. I have seen that a group of people from one of the Organization have joined as a huge team with few outsiders like me. The Company organized a recruitment drive and hired them through a massive recruitment drive. All was well for first few days. However, they started moving together as a team since they worked with each other before. They stay together, eat and drink because of their long standing association from the previous Organization. In spite of my efforts to belong to them they have been isolating me as I am a Teetotaler. The Trainer assessed me in the Training and found that I am good with communication skills and she praised me in front of the entire class and this seemed to have caused a jealous reaction in them. Since I have been a Teetotaler they have been avoiding me. Few of the fellows from this team have been jealous of me. Initially when they tried sarcastic remarks, I became assertive with them. They have been keeping a distance with me. However, they are jealous and biased working behind the screen. They have roped in the reporting authority my Team Manager who also sits with them and drinks. They go to pubs during the weekends. They have been doing this for the past few weeks and the Manager now has become their man. They would go to the canteen leaving me behind, they would be discussing something important. They would “isolate” me and later blame me saying that he is not friendly or social with the group.

    2) The Manager was frequently coming to my neck ever since they “teamed up” against me. I just didn’t know what to do in this contest. I had taken couple of problems I had to him, especially with regards to pick-up-and-drop cab and providing food coupons. He came back forcefully to me saying that I will have to resolve the issues on my own. When it comes to taking credit he is the first one in line, when it comes to problems / challenges he shies away and never takes any responsibility and this has been my personal observation on both the occasions. His behavior towards me was different. Unable to bear this bully boss I had to make a move and decision.

    3) Today, I finally made a bold move by going to my superior who is over my boss and I made my request. It worked finally. The GM – HR called me and my Manager telling me that my request has been “approved”. However before letting me he says that this is the last time that he is considering the request. Its for me to gel with the new team and the Team Lead. He said that he would not be able to help the next time. While I was leaving the place my reporting Manager left me with a stern subtle warning saying “The new boss will be real good for you”. This gives me a subtle hint that he must have already spread some malicious “news” about me to the new Manager. Since “no news is good news”, I don’t know how to play my cards well with the new lady boss and the new team.

    This is the third instance in my life where I am getting a differential treatment. Its not that I am less skilled or a non-performer, however the earlier group was doing this so that my confidence and self-esteem gets eroded.

    Please suggest me few tips / moves as to how I should deal with the new team and the new boss. What are the few tips and strategies I should follow to be successful at work ?. How should I overcome the “Social isolation” and “bullying” that is in store just the way it happened with the earlier group ?. Please let me know. Please Help.

    Thank you very much for your assistance.

    John Richard

    Comment by JR | January 8, 2012 | Reply

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